Entries by CD_admin

Cocodrilo Dog Pide Jurado Justo en Crea Digital 2019

Cocodrilo Dog es una empresa de videojuegos que con sus 8 años en el mercado, ha ganado premios internacionales y ha trabajado con grandes del entretenimiento mundial, pero ninguno de sus proyectos ha sido seleccionado en la convocatoria Crea Digital en Colombia ¿Será que, como dicen, la tercera es la vencida? o ¿Existe el bullying […]

Tori – Interactive Music Engine

Hello everyone! It’s been a year full of hard work, but we are back 🙂 At the beginning of this year, we were proudly part of the dev team for Riff VR to build the guitar engine and other cool stuff for our client IMEX Media. Since mid 2018, our focus is completely back on […]

Tori, Lightweight Render Pipeline

Boom Fighters – Lightweight render Pipeline As we are warming up to integrate all the new musical mechanics that we have on our sketchbooks, we updated Boom Fighters to the latest Unity version 2018.2.6! All of that rendering tools are so tempting 🙂 We couldn’t help but start testing the new shader graph editor and […]

Boom Fighters – 2018 and Beyond

Its been a long time since I wrote the first entry of the blog, but a lot of great things have happened since then. In the first post, I wrote about bringing a demo of Boom Fighters to Game Connection to be played with an electronic drum kit. The timing wasn’t enough for our team to complete that goal […]

The Path to Interactive Music

Hi, my name is Juan Reyes (@MiniBeatBoy) and I’m a game programmer, industrial designer and musician and I’ve been running a game development studio Cocodrilo Dog since 2011 along with my partner Marge Torres (@marge_torres), a lawyer, game designer and tech lover. I have believed for a long time that music can be an interactive […]