Tori – Interactive Music Engine

Hello everyone! It’s been a year full of hard work, but we are back 🙂

At the beginning of this year, we were proudly part of the dev team for Riff VR to build the guitar engine and other cool stuff for our client IMEX Media. Since mid 2018, our focus is completely back on our beloved Boom Fighters. This are the first 2 milestones of our work: Tori, our interactive music engine and our test with the new Lightweight Render Pipeline

Tori – Interactive Music Engine

Tori is the distilled knowledge of 7 years of working in rhythm games. Its has all the features that our previous games have had plus more, and this time they are revealed in a fancy Unity interface with nodes, connectors and all that. It will be the heart of Boom Fighters and hopefully many more games to come.

For us this is a very valuable asset where we believe that we have improved the way that interactive contents can connect to music and currently is patent pending.

Please watch this early overview video to get an idea of what we are talking about:

After working with FMod, Pure Data in other games, we finally settled down in Tori. The engine has all the good things of the aforementioned tools and more, including these:

  • Placing sounds in the timeline with sample accuracy.
  • Pitch change for fast forward, slow and even reverse! <- This last one is rare.
  • Creating sounds that are part of a longer audio file (extract loops out of songs) without cutting the original file.
  • Preview tools to design/modify the sounds.
  • It can work with music timing (BPM) but it is not restrictive. For example, one song can have some parts with certain BPMs while other parts can have a different BPM or even no musical timing at all. Pure freedom 🙂
  • Sequeners to compose different sorts of patterns.
  • Connectors between sequencers to create a “navigable” song. A song that can go from part to part in no specific order more that the logic that the developer creates.
  • Preview tools to design each pattern at a time.
  • Extensible architecture for new types of sounds and sequencers (an maybe instruments in the future)

There are more amazing things to come, but they will be revealed as our universe expands d(-.-)b